Construction - Part 4 Key Handover

Congratulations, it’s time to collect the keys for your brand new home!



Your Site Manager will contact you and organise a time at your new home to pick up the keys at a ‘Key Handover’ meeting. Between your New Home Presentation and the Key Handover meetings, is a great time to start thinking about things like connecting your internet and contacting the shire to get you bins delivered, so things are ready when you pick up your keys.


Getting the keys to your new home really is a moment to celebrate!

Celebrate by grabbing a picnic blanket, ordering a pizza and cracking a bottle of champagne in your new home before ‘officially’ moving in. It’s now your home, so it’s time to enjoy it. Those months of planning the design and choosing all your fixtures and finishes have finally paid off, so soak up that new home feeling – you’ve earned it!


Celebration Homes does not permit any other works to be completed during construction in order for us to ensure the progress of construction is not obstructed. Additionally, we must ensure strict Safety and Insurance parameters are adhered to throughout the build process.