With the current world climate, most of us have a lot of new-found free time. If you’re stuck at home, there’s more to do than just watch Netflix and scroll through Instagram. We’ve compiled a list of things to do while stuck at home, so your new-found free time doesn’t go to waste!

Dance party for 1?

A study conducted by Skynet & Ebert found that people, on average, stop discovering new music at the age of 33. Listening to new music can be highly beneficial and stimulating for the brain. But even just listening to known music can be extremely rewarding, and has been found to reduce anxiety, blood pressure and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness and memory. With apps like Spotify and Apple Music, you’ve got an abundance of music right at your fingertips. Find a random playlist and start listening, you never know what you will discover.

An old dog can learn new tricks

Always wanted to learn French? Do an online course? Solve a Rubik’s cube? You’ve got ample time now, choose something you’re interested in learning and spend time on it every day. You could come out of this with a new skill under your belt!

Netflix marathon!

You can still binge-watch Netflix TV shows and movies with your friends, together but separately! With Netflix Party, a Google Chrome extension, you can watch the same movie as your friends at the same time, and share your thoughts in the onscreen chat.

Cross off your to-do list

How often do you put off spring-cleaning your wardrobe, or getting around to finishing that book you started reading 6 months ago? Why not make the most of your new-found free time and get onto those things you’ve been putting off? Organise your pantry, sort through your photos, or wash your car; tick off those odd jobs while you have the time.

Learn the classics.

This might seem obvious, but studies have shown that there are a lot of people who don’t read at all. Reading is like exercise for the brain – it broadens your vocabulary, improves your attention span, and benefits your memory, among other things. So grab a book, make a cup of tea and let your chosen book take you on a journey.

Listen to podcasts.

With so many podcasts being created every day, there’s heaps to listen to from true crime to motivational podcasts to world news. Whatever your interest, there’s probably a podcast for it. The podcast industry has certainly reacted to COVID-19 positively, with a bunch of new shows being created. And the best thing is you can listen while doing other things, so pair it with your daily exercise or doing the dishes!

Flex your green thumb

Embrace your green thumb and invest in starting a veggie patch! Not only is gardening a stress reliever, becoming more self-sufficient isn’t a bad idea with the current supply shortages. Starting a veggie patch now while you have the time will pay off in the long-run, saving you money and trips to the grocery store.

Watch it live! Pj’s are the new dress code.

With the music and entertainment industry taking a huge hit by the impacts of COVID-19, artists and comedians are continuing to perform, just through a screen rather than in-person. Watch a band’s livestreamed performance, or have a good laugh with a comedy show. Track down your favourite performers on social media, and look out for livestream concerts and gigs to tune in to!

Iso Bootcamp.

Gyms have now closed completely, but that doesn’t mean you can’t maintain your fitness at home. It is important to keep up a consistent exercise routine, to get your blood flowing and strengthen your immune system, making you less susceptible to COVID-19. Try and get 30 minutes of exercise in every day. Not sure where to start? Bloggers and influencers have taken to creating self-isolation-inspired content recently, meaning there are more at-home workout videos out there than ever, and with the majority of these freely accessible on YouTube, you won’t need to spend a cent!

Plan for the future.

The impacts of COVID-19 have felt never-ending. But it will come to an end, and your future will still be waiting for you on the other side. If your future plans have been impacted, don’t forget about them, and planning for the future after COVID-19 will give you a sense of excitement for what is to come. If you’re planning on building a home, the good news is you still can! Start your building journey now, and you could be in your new home by the end of this!

No matter how you are making the most of your time, we would love to see. Share your self isolation activities using the hashtag #celesstaycation. Watch this space to keep updated on everything you need to make your self isolation the ultimate staycation.

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