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The process of designing a display starts with a floorplan, sounds simple enough but it takes a lot of perfecting to have our displays looking spot on each time. The burnleigh started with the idea of creating a big multigenerational home that could adapt as a family does. After rounds of edits Dale and our designer Michael, analyse every detail of the floorplan until it is perfect.

Once the plans are finalised the fun part begins – construction.

At each major stage of the build Dale & our management team walk through the home picking apart each room to ensure the design is a knockout.

First walkthrough is at plate height and the first time you get a real idea of what the home looks like off the plans. These walkthroughs see walls removed, rooms changed with nothing off-limits.

The next stage is lock up and Dales last chance to make any big structural changes before final walkthrough.

The final walkthrough is the fun part with us making the final tweaks. Dale and the manager’s move beds, swap around artwork & ensure the home is ready for the public.

The process may be a lot of work but the burnleigh proves it is worth it.

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