Celebrate Summer in your home this year! Check out some of our handy tips below.

Get those windows open!

Let fresh air fill your home by opening windows and doors – filter this air and keep it clean by investing in a houseplant or two. Some of the best air-cleaning plants are snake plants, spider plants and rubber plants.

Lighter linens

Now that those cold nights are behind us, put that heavy duvet into storage and swap it for lighter linens with a high thread count. Choose solid, light colours to give your bedrooms a breezy, summer feel.

Clean out your wardrobe

You won’t need those heavy coats taking up valuable space in your wardrobe during the summer months – put these into storage to keep your wardrobe organised and to allow more space for your summer outfits.

Check your BBQ

Barbecues aren’t used often (or at all in some cases) during the winter months, so before you have all your friends and family over for that balmy summer even barbecue, make sure it’s working correctly, and your gas bottle is full.

Check your Sprinkler System

Make sure this is good to go for summer – you’ll need it to keep the lawn green and flowers blooming!

Forget about your tumble dryer

Use nature to dry your clothes – not only will this help the environment and your power bill, it’s also much better for your clothes!

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