We were very excited to profile local artist, Aisha Valenti for our latest article. A true expert with a brush, Aisha’s art is a kaleidoscope of colour and visual smorgasbord for the eyes, so we couldn’t wait to find out more about her. Aisha has been passionate about all thing’s art from a young age, from fine art to dance and drama. In 2010, La Salle College acquired her painting “Global Mermaid” for their collection. She has since experimented in various forms of art, having completed a Bachelor of Arts majoring in screen art and performance in 2014.

This background has influenced her artistic style and enabled Aisha to discover her true passion. She says “My work reflects my love for bold and bright colours and images. I love the way colour can cause our sensors to provoke emotion and connect us to a piece of art”. And evoke a reaction it does. A recent client commissioned Aisha to do a portrait of a beloved pet he’d just lost and upon receiving it said, “you’ve captured her eyes perfectly, every time I look at it, I feel like she’s looking straight back at me”. But this isn’t the only accolade she’s received, with a strong following and backlog of orders, it’s clearly Aisha is an artist on the rise.

While we had her expert knowledge at our fingertips, we wanted to ask how she decides on what to paint for a specific client’s home?

“Depending on the style throughout the house and the space in which the painting will be hung, usually determines what I will paint. It is up to the customer as well, they decide on what sort of image they want and then I discuss materials, size, and colours with them” Aisha said.

Never one to shy away from bright colours, she said she has had to tone down some of her art – “I use a LOT of colour so at times I need to scale it down to suit either the customer or the space. Lately I have been working with an interior design company and have learnt a lot about colour schemes that are popular in today’s modern house hold homes”.

But my favourite advice from Aisha was this – “I don’t like to restrict myself to one painting theme, because I believe each house and space has a individual style. I want to do what I can to make the painting compliment the space as much as possible.”

A young artist with true talent, be sure to follow Aisha’s page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aishasart/

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