We all want to reduce our impact on the environment and we all want to save money on growing energy bills. Read on for our top tips for saving energy and money in the home.

Fridges – they’re big and expensive

Fridges are one of the most expensive appliances, energy-wise, in your home. Do you have a second fridge that is barely used? Turn it off to save power and money – turn it on just when you need it. (Your beer fridge can cost you around $200 a year) Also make sure your fridge is properly sealed, you don’t want cold air escaping.

Seal it up

Close doors to rooms that you aren’t using so you aren’t heating or cooling big spaces unnecessarily. Keep your blinds and curtains closed – in summer to keep heat out and in winter to keep the cold from coming in.

Home appliances

Use the ‘eco’ mode on your dishwasher – is uses a lot less water and usually gives the same result (except for heavily soiled loads). If you do have an older dishwasher from the 90s, it’s time to upgrade, these use twice as much water as modern ones.

Wash your clothes in cold water – it can save you up to $115 per year, and choose a front loader, they use less water and less energy. Plus, try to hang clothes outside as much as you can – using the dryer can cost you around $130 more per year.

Only put the amount of water you need in the kettle – then you aren’t using energy to heat water you won’t use.

Temperature control

The average Aussie home uses 40% of its energy on heating and cooling. 40%!!!

In winter heating can account for over 30% of your bill. Set the temperature between 18 and 20 degrees. Every degree above 20 can add 10% to your heating bill. In summer, set your thermostat between 24 – 26 degrees.Try and use fans for when it isn’t too hot and layer up in warmer clothes in winter to avoid turning on the heater.

Switch it off

Switch off appliances not in use at the wall. The cost of appliances which are switched on and not being used (on standby) can add over $100 on your annual power bill.

Shower power

Try and take quicker showers – the recommended time to save energy and money is four minutes – and leave your mixer tap in the cold position, so hot water isn’t wasted cooling in the pipe.
Finally, did you know heated towel rails can cost up to $200 a year in energy. You don’t need them in your home.


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